Africa Greater Life Mission UK Registered Charity Number 1115766


Some of the ways that people have raised money for Africa Greater Life Mission UK.


There have been a number of sponsored events over the years. For example, Toby Tattersall has raised thousands of pounds for AGLM UK. He has competed in the London Marathon (2017) and the gruelling Marathon des Sables (2018) – a six day race across 254km of the Sahara Desert!

Sarah and Ian held a very successful coffee morning in North Berwick (Scotland) in January.

Community Charity Shop
Community Charity Shop Llandrindod

Over the past few years AGLMUK has raised a significant amount of money by renting the community charity shop in Llandrindod Wells.


Frugal Lunches
Frugal Lunches

The Mothers’ Union at Holy Trinity Church, Llandrindod has very generously held frugal lunches in support of AGLM UK for a number of years. These have been very well supported, very much enjoyed and very successful in raising funds. Thank you!


If you have a story of how you have supported AGLMUK in achieving its mission please send it (with photos if available) to the Trustees. Your stories will help to inspire and encourage others to do the same.